Brockweir, Wye Valley
The site is a former oil depot located on the south side of Brockweir in the Wye Valley. The proposal is for 14 houses (of which 4 are affordable) arranged around a substantial stream which currently crosses the site in a concrete culvert. The oil depot buildings have been demolished and the first phase of the masterplan in the form of one large free-standing house at the entrance to the site has been sold. The remainder of the site, including the old stone built mill, is under consideration for Planning Permission.
The village is characterized by densely packed whitewashed rubble buildings with steep pantile roofs, the latter historically brought across the Severn and up the Wye by ship. There have been quite numerous unfortunate additions, mainly bungalows on heavily road-engineered sites nearby.
The proposal uses typical local materials, forms and layout with vehicular and pedestrian access sharing a gravel drive. The reinstated stream has considerable potential both as part of the landscape and as a source of power through water source heat pumps.